Eco-index Support


Written by Eco-index experts, these reports demonstrate the potential interpretation and application of outputs from your chosen products.

A report from Eco-index can be used to showcase the application of your new products for your team or partners and can be useful if you do not have in-house GIS capability.

Get the most from your products. Choose from tech support, interpretive reports and meetings or presentations to aid the uptake of Eco-index products within your organisation and community.

Eco-index Support Collection:

Tech Support
Video Production
Meeting Sessions

Eco-index Reports - Highly descriptive information

Video Production

Elevate uptake and engagement with your Eco-index products through custom-made video.

Video is the most popular and engaging information medium. Eco-index can produce a custom video about your new Eco-index products with specific messaging for your audience and platform of choice.

Eco-index Video Production - Custom videos to compliment your products

Meeting Sessions

Remote meetings with Eco-index experts are available to aid understanding and interpretation of your chosen products.

Options include:

  • Kick-off Co-design Session: 60-minute meeting with the Eco-index team to co-design customisable elements during the early production stage.

  • Interim Co-design Session: 60-minute meeting with the Eco-index team to co-design customisable elements during the mid-production stage.

  • Final Presentation Session: 90-minute presentation from the Eco-index team to introduce and familiarise your team with your final Eco-index products. Includes Q&A.

  • Friends & Neighbours Session: 90-minute presentation from the Eco-index team alongside you to introduce and familiarise your partners/stakeholders with your Eco-index products. Includes Q&A.

Eco-index Meeting Sessions - online meetings for extra assitance with our products

Tech Support

Integrate Eco-index products into your own systems or take your scientific interpretation to the next level with support from our knowledgeable team.

Tech Support is available in four-hour blocks over three-month periods via remote meetings, phone calls, or emails. Tech support is with expert(s) of your choice from our team of data scientists, ecologists, social scientists, economists and strategists.

Eco-index Tech Support - Online assistance

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