Make your nature investment count
with science-based insights & tools

Are environmental outcomes important to you and your partners?

Are you investing time, money or effort in supporting nature and te taiao?

Green pasture with native forest patches on a farm in Aotearoa New Zealand

Eco-index ensures that your nature investment counts for your

  • biodiversity

  • bottom line

  • storytelling

  • reporting

Understand Nature
in your Landscape

  • Current and potential ecosystems

  • Ecosystem services valuation

  • Catchment reconstruction targets
    and costings

Monitor, Report & Verify

  • Independent evaluation of ecosystem locations and area

  • Interpretive or data-only reports

  • Nature impact reports

Plan your Nature

  • Prioritise locations and ecosystems for best return on investment

  • Calculate ecosystem reconstruction and maintenance costs

Plug in the Experts

  • Harness our strengths to empower your organisation

  • Boost your storytelling, data science, ecology, economics and strategy


“We’re firm believers in trying out tools and technologies to help us in our massive restoration task - there is no rule book for what works best and we have to be smart and strategic in our approach. A lot of technology advances have helped make our work easier - the mapping tools from Eco-index are some of those game-changing advances. They guide our decision making on where and how much ecosystem reconstruction to do, and how much it will cost. It’s fantastic to have scientific and budgeting data to underpin our work plans.”

Sean Zieltjes, Pouārahi Taupua/Acting Project Director
- Taranaki Mounga Project

“Eco-index is providing cutting-edge intelligence for land planning and biodiversity investment. By combining leading environmental datasets and interpretative layers, backed by science, they equip land stewards with powerful tools to prioritise their efforts and resources. It would not be feasible for us to gather all of this data on our own, let alone have the technical expertise to make sense of it. And now we also have an easy visual mapping layer to use when communicating with our stakeholders and watershed partners.”

Matthew Monahan, Co-Steward
- Mangaroa Farms & Biome Trust

“Navigator X is a great tool for community and stakeholder engagement. It has the capacity to empower our community by visually highlighting the potential and ease at which ecosystem restoration can happen in our district.”

Andrew Oliver, Biodiversity Officer
- Waimate District Council

Showcase - Navigator X mapping tool:

Our Moonshot Goal:

To be informing five million hectares of
nature investment by 2035.