Scrub, shrubland and tussock-grassland below treeline
This low forest, woodland and shrubland occurs below the treeline in the drought- and frost-prone inland basins and wide river valleys of Marlborough, Canterbury and Otago. It is now very uncommon.
Low stature conifers such as bog-pine and mountain toatoa dominated on many sites, including older, poorer, and/or poorly drained soils on valley and basin floors. Shrubs such as Dracophyllum and mānuka were also common.
Kānuka was probably dominant on dry outwash gravels, while more fertile soils supported small-leaved Olearia, Hoheria, Plagianthus and Sophora, with understoreys of Carmichaelia, small-leaved Coprosma, Discaria, Melicope, Myrsine, and numerous lianes.
Grassland was largely confined to recent floodplains, but there were abrupt transitions to local herbaceous cover on saline and calcareous substrates.
The projected natural range of scrub, shrubland and tussock-grassland below treeline in Aotearoa is 1,260,236 hectares.
Common native species, photos courtesy of NZ Plant Conservation Network and iNaturalist:
Photo by Catherine Kirby
Bog Pine - photo by John Barkla
Mountain Toatoa - photo by John Barkla
Mānuka - photo by Jeremy R. Rolfe
Kānuka - photo by Jeremy R. Rolfe
Olearia cymbifolia - photo by John Barkla
Mountain Lacebark - photo by Michael Berardozzi
Kōwhai (Sophora) - photo by John Barkla
Māmāngi (Coprosma) - photo by Jacqui Geux

Coprosma rhamnoides - photo by Jeremy R. Rolfe

Tumatakuru (Discaria) - photo by Jeremy R. Rolfe
Poataniwha (Melicope) - photo by Jeremy R. Rolfe
Red Mapou (Myrsine) - photo by Jeremy R. Rolfe
Pōhuehue - photo by Jeremy R. Rolfe
Scrub Pōhuehue - photo by Jeremy R. Rolfe
Inanga - photo by John Barkla
Scented Broom (Carmichaelia) - photo by John Barkla
Marsh Ribbonwood (Plagianthus) - photo by Jeremy R. Rolfe