Kauri/taraire-kohekohe-tawa forest

Kauri/taraire-kohekohe-tawa forest

Photo by Yathursan Gunaratnam

Found in the northern North Island, this ecosystem consists predominantly of taraire, kohekohe, and tawa. Kauri, kahikatea, rimu and tōtara poke through the canopy, which also contains hīnau, pukatea, rewarewa, and miro. Near river plains, pūriri is common. Tōwai is often found in higher locations. Tanekaha is abundant where the bush has been cut down previously.

The projected natural range of kauri/northern broadleaved forest across Aotearoa New Zealand is 1,158,127 hectares.

More info: Kauri forests (general)

Common native species, photos courtesy of NZ Plant Conservation Network:


Kahikatea-tōtara forest


Mataī-kahikatea-tōtara forest