Kahikatea-tōtara forest

Kahikatea-tōtara forest

Photo by Catherine Kirby

This ecosystem was originally found in the inland, frost-prone basins of Canterbury and eastern Otago. These areas no longer have any remnants of the original bush. 

We know that most broadleaved and lowland conifer species would not survive the severe minimum temperatures. Kahikatea, Hall’s tōtara, and kāpuka/broadleaf are the only species predicted to occur in abundance. Mataī may also have been present, but we don’t know enough about its tolerance to extreme cold temperatures to say for sure.

Kahikatea- tōtara forest in Canterbury and eastern Otago is now completely deforested. The projected natural range of kahikatea- tōtara forest is 70,639 hectares.

Common native species, photos courtesy of NZ Plant Conservation Network:


Kahikatea-pukatea-tawa forest


Kauri/taraire-kohekohe-tawa forest