Rimu-miro/tawari-red beech-kāmahi-tawa forest

Rimu-miro/tawari-red beech-kāmahi-tawa forest

The natural range of this ecosystem is in the North Island’s hill country, particularly in the Urewera and western Raukūmara Ranges. It is also sporadically found further north on the Hapuakohe and Hunua Ranges.

Individual rimu and miro trees emerge over a canopy dominated by tawari, kāmahi, tawa and beeches. Hard beech is widespread on the lower slopes, including in the northern outliers, while red beech and silver beech are largely restricted to the Bay of Plenty. Silver beech is more abundant at higher elevations.

The projected natural range of rimu-miro/tawari-red beech-kāmahi-tawa forest is 568,150 hectares.

Common native species, photos courtesy of NZ Plant Conservation Network and iNaturalist:

Photo by Antoine Hubert


Rimu-miro/kāmahi-red beech-hard beech forest


Rimu-miro-tōtara/kāmahi forest