Rimu-mataī-miro-tōtara/kāmahi forest

Rimu-mataī-miro-tōtara/kāmahi forest

Rimu-mataī-miro-tōtara/kāmahi forest occurs on the volcanic plateau surrounding Lake Taupō and the volcanic plains around Tongariro and Taranaki.

Conifers such as rimu, miro and tōtara are dominant. Mataī is widespread on sandy soils, and kahikatea is common on poorly drained soils. Kāmahi is widespread in the understorey along with hīnau, black and white maires, fuchsia and māhoe. Tawa is common across the ecosystem, except in locations prone to intense frost.

The projected natural range of rimu-mataī-miro-tōtara/kāmahi forest is 685,373 hectares.

Common native species, photos courtesy of NZ Plant Conservation Network and iNaturalist:

Photo by Jan Helebrant.


Rimu/tawa-kāmahi forest


Rimu-miro/kāmahi-red beech-hard beech forest