Red beech-silver beech forest

Red beech-silver beech forest

Red and silver beech are by far the dominant species in this ecosystem. Small numbers of emergent miro, rimu and tōtara occur through much of the forest. Mountain beech and kāmahi are also widespread, but not abundant. Hard beech can be found in certain locations.

The projected natural range of red beech-silver beech forest is 431,511 hectares on mid to lower slopes from the Maruia Valley to the Nelson Lakes and in hill-country from the northern Kaimanawa Mountains to the southwestern Urewera Ranges.

More about Beech forests (in general) can be found here.

Common native species, photos courtesy of NZ Plant Conservation Network:

Photo by Shellie Evans


Mountain beech-red beech forest


Rimu/tawa-kāmahi forest