Mataī-tōtara/black/mountain beech forest

Photo by Jon Sullivan

Mataī-tōtara/black/mountain beech forest occurs at low to middle elevations in dry climates on the eastern parts of both main islands.

While black/mountain beech dominates the canopy, emergent conifers are widespread in low numbers and include mataī, tōtara, kahikatea, and on wetter sites, rimu and miro. Pōkākā is locally abundant on poorly drained soils.

The projected natural range of mataī-tōtara/black/mountain beech forest in Aotearoa is 492,402 hectares.

Common native species, photos courtesy of NZ Plant Conservation Network:


Mataī-kahikatea-tōtara forest


Mataī-tōtara-kahikatea-rimu/broadleaf-fuchsia forest