Wetland: Gumlands


Gumlands are shrub-covered, flat to rolling land in Northland, which has deposits of kauri gum. Most remaining gumlands are around Kaitaia or Kaikohe. Soils are strongly leached, very infertile, and often waterlogged. They have become more widespread since human settlement as a result of repeated fires. The vegetation is typically heathland, comprising low-growing mānuka and other shrubs, sedges, and ferns, especially tangle ferns. Mānuka dominates drier gumlands and tangle fern dominates wetter ones. Sedges dominate recently burnt sites, with shrubs becoming dominant again over time.

The projected natural range of gumlands across Aotearoa is 151,665 hectares.

More info: Wetland Restoration Handbook

Common native species, photos courtesy of NZ Plant Conservation Network:

Photo by Harry Lurling


Wetland: Fen


Wetland: Inland Saline