
Reconstruction Map

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Eco-index Ecosystem Restoration Map - Version 2.0

Research shows that the game changes if we can reach at least 15% native ecosystem cover. This means protecting ecosystems that are above 15% of their possible natural range, for example, large areas of mountain forest, and reconstructing those that have fallen below.

The Ecosystem Reconstruction Map provides information for those interested in reconstruction of native ecosystems that are missing from our landscapes. Ecosystem reconstruction is a specific kind of ecological restoration where native ecosystems are rebuilt from scratch, for example, in retired pasture.

This map weaves together public datasets from many sources and therefore the information provided is only ever as accurate as they are.


Frequently Asked Questions

15% goal rationale

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Ecosystem Reconstruction Map by Eco-Index is licensed CC BY 4.0

Built by Litmus Datatech

Feedback? Questions? Get in touch:

Eco-index gratefully acknowledges the support and resources of New Zealand’s Biological Heritage National Science Challenge, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network and the many individuals who contributed to the development of this map.